New Animal Registration
Missing animal-Animal-class image
Annual Registration Period

Each registration period runs from 11 April to 10 April the following year as per the Domestic Animals Act 1994.

Applications made between late-February and 10 October are charged at the full year rate;
Applications made between 11 October and late-February are charged at the half year rate.

Renewals are run in late-February with notices sent out to pet owners in early March to allow enough time for payment.

Animal registration renewals must be paid by 10 April each year.
Dog Registrations
 Registration TypeRegistration CriteriaDurationDescriptionAnimal Fee
Reduced Fee

Select this option if your dog is microchipped AND meets one of the following requirements:

  • is desexed or
  • is 10 years or older or
  • is a farm working dog or
  • has undergone obedience training from an approved organisation or
  • is registered with an approved association of which the owner is also a member or
  • is kept for breeding by a Council registered Domestic Animal Business or
  • is a hound registered with the Game Management Authority

Relevant supporting documentation required:

  • Desexing certificate
  • Approved association membership AND pedigree certificate
  • Animal Welfare Victoria obedience certificate
  • Microchip certificate
  • Game Management Authority Certificate
  • Council-issued Registered Domestic Animal permit
1per animal$60.00
Reduced Fee - Pension ConcessionSelect this option if your dog is microchipped AND meets one of the above requirements for a reduced fee AND you have a valid Pensioner Concession Card (Health Care Card holder NOT eligible)1per animal$30.00
Full FeeSelect this option if your dog is microchipped BUT DOES NOT meet any of the above requirements for a reduced fee1per animal$180.00
Full Fee - Pension ConcessionSelect this option if your dog is microchipped BUT DOES NOT meet any of the above requirements for a reduced fee AND you have a valid Pensioner Concession Card (Health Care Card holder NOT eligible)1per animal$90.00
Transfer from another Victorian CouncilSelect this option to transfer your dog's current registration to South Gippsland Shire from another Victorian Council.1per animal$0.00
Guide DogYou must still register a guide dog or government authority dog even though there is no fee.

Select this option if your guide dog is for a visually or hearing impaired person. This does NOT include an assistance dog or a companion animal.

Appropriate documentation from the Guide Dogs Association is required
1per animal$0.00
Assistance Dog

Select this option if you and your dog meet ALL of the requirements below:

The owner of an assistance dog must demonstrate that:

  • the owner has a disability as defined under the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and
  • the assistance dog is trained to perform tasks or functions that assist to alleviate the effect(s) of that disability (as per the definition of assistance dog under the Equal Opportunity Act 2010)

In addition to the above, an assistance dog must also:

  • be desexed and
  • be microchipped and
  • be at least 12 months of age and
  • be proven to have completed obedience training provided by a dog trainer and
  • not be a dangerous, menacing, or restricted breed dog

Note: The obedience training can either be completed separately, or as part of the training undertaken to perform tasks or functions that assist the person with a disability to alleviate the effects of their disability.

1per animal$0.00
Restricted BreedRestricted breed dogs have not attacked a person or animal or displayed signs of aggression. However, they are considered a higher risk to community safety than other breeds of dogs.

Select this option if your dog is microchipped AND one of the following breeds - pure or cross bred American Pit Bull Terrier (or Pit Bull Terrier), Perro de Presa Canario (or Presa Canario), Dogo Argentino, Japanese Tosa, or Fila Brasileiro.

An assessment will need to be carried out by a Community Safety Officer to see if your dog fits the “Approved Standard for Restricted Breed Dogs in Victoria”.

If your dog does not meet these standards, the Inspecting Officer will discuss with you the most appropriate registration class for your dog and you will be refunded the difference in registration fees.
1per animal$360.00
Declared DangerousSelect this option if your dog is microchipped AND has been declared as a dangerous dog by another Council or Agency.1per animal$360.00
Declared MenacingSelect this option if your dog is microchipped AND has been declared as a menacing dog by another Council or Agency.1per animal$360.00
Cat Registrations
 Registration TypeRegistration CriteriaDurationDescriptionAnimal Fee
Reduced FeeSelect this option if your CAT is microchipped AND meets one of the following requirements:
  • is desexed or
  • is 10 years or older or
  • is registered with an approved association of which the owner is also a member or
  • is kept for breeding by a Council registered Domestic Animal Business
1per animal$60.00
Reduced Fee - Pension ConcessionSelect this option if your cat is microchipped AND meets one of the above requirements for a reduced fee AND you have a valid Pensioner Concession Card (Health Care Card holder NOT eligible)1per animal$30.00
Full FeeSelect this option if your cat is microchipped BUT DOES NOT meet any of the above requirements for a reduced fee1per animal$180.00
Full Fee - Pension ConcessionSelect this option if your cat is microchipped BUT DOES NOT meet any of the above requirements for a reduced fee AND you have a valid Pensioner Concession Card (Health Care Card holder NOT eligible)1per animal$90.00
Transfer from another Victorian CouncilSelect this option to transfer your cat's current registration to South Gippsland Shire from another Victorian Council.1per animal$0.00